Wednesday, February 27, 2013
February 27, 2013
Yeah, we had another great day filled with loads of learning. We started off with CAFE reading and meeting in groups. We discussed how to read with expression, to build our comprehension and accuracy. Then we practiced on our own and read with buddies. We began our writing by drafting our letters to Mrs. Lucas, we are trying to persuade her to give us OREOs to use in the classroom. They have to come up reasons and opinions to convince her. These reasons can not be ones to just to benefit us they need to benefit us as a learner. We discussed time and subtraction of two digit numbers. Then we took a quick check and began our lesson on past and present of history in our community. We also read about sharks, ask them what they learned?
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
February 26, 2013
Okay I just figured out how to do this from my phone, go me!! I know this is late, but it is here. We had a great day busy with library and a visit from Mrs. Ladybug, talking about perseverance. The students loved both lessons. Mrs. Wallingford discussed persuasive writing, which is our new writing lesson. She has my class excited about writing to Mrs. Lucas convincing her to give us Oreos. Please ask your child about the OREO method to remember how to write a persuasive paper. We did our math CGI and had fun in cafe for both reading and math. Then we ended our day discussing what a primary sources was for researching history. Please ask them what they learned. Then we heard from our TOP banana Kassidy. We learned she loves her bike and has had it since she was four. She loves lives chocolate ice cream and enjoys it all time. She loves being a Girl Scout because she enjoys spending time with friends. She also loved her birthday invitations because she got to make them and didn't think it was fair they she did get to crack one open. They were made from paper mâché. I would have loved one too.
Friday, February 22, 2013
February 22, 2013
I am so sorry for not having the posting updated, however I did do it something just does not seem to be working right.I figured out the bug and now it is corrected, YEAH!!!!
Kamryn, has been a great Top Banana and now we pass it over to Kassidy. Before Kassidy joined our club we need to let you in on a few things about Kamryn. She has been to California with her Nana and loved spending time there with her sisters. They loved being outside and playing. She loves fashion and wants to paint her nails all the time. She thinks her family is funny, "They do crazy things, I love them, and they are sweet." She has a sister named Danni and Sydney, "They are fun to play with." Overall we learned a lot from Kamryn and I know she loves to giggle because we laughed a lot with her this week.
We have done cafe all week working on summary and main idea. We are using our inference skills to infer what the author might mean in a text to come up with the best outcome. We are continuing to build on our two digit addition and subtraction and now have to be able to tell when we need to regroup or not to regroup. We are learning about our past and present and how it has shaped and changed our community.
Kamryn, has been a great Top Banana and now we pass it over to Kassidy. Before Kassidy joined our club we need to let you in on a few things about Kamryn. She has been to California with her Nana and loved spending time there with her sisters. They loved being outside and playing. She loves fashion and wants to paint her nails all the time. She thinks her family is funny, "They do crazy things, I love them, and they are sweet." She has a sister named Danni and Sydney, "They are fun to play with." Overall we learned a lot from Kamryn and I know she loves to giggle because we laughed a lot with her this week.
We have done cafe all week working on summary and main idea. We are using our inference skills to infer what the author might mean in a text to come up with the best outcome. We are continuing to build on our two digit addition and subtraction and now have to be able to tell when we need to regroup or not to regroup. We are learning about our past and present and how it has shaped and changed our community.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
February 14, 2013
YEAH!!!! NO HOMEWORK, NO NEED TO STUDY SPELLING NO TEST!! This was my Valentine's Day gift to them. We had a great day writing stories from candy hearts and making our boxes. Then we had math with hearts and watched a video about the history of this special day. Ask them what they learned? We finally ended our day with a party and specials.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
February 13, 2013
Thank you to all parents who signed up on the party items link. If you did not get to it here it is.
We really need more fruit, I will also send an email to you all about this. The children will need, if you want a box to decorate for their valentines. We will be creating this in class, I like to have a valentine's day theme going on in class. I will be doing reading and writing and math with all sorts of activities.
Noah went over his poster and we learned he loves baseball and soccer. He started playing baseball when he was four and this year he played on the Texas Rangers team. He reported,"I like to play middle field in soccer because they pass the ball and you get to kick it the most." He also went to Lego Discovery to visit on vacation when he was seven and had a got time seeing all the creations. I can not wait to learn more.
Today was a okay day we were able to get through most of our activities. We started in Cafe reading and discussed how we use our reading strategies to help figure out math problems. Then we moved in to writing and we learned how to use our mentor texts to help support my writing, but not copy them. We headed next in to math and we are working with subtraction with two digit numbers with regrouping. We are struggling with this, but I am positive they will get it. Some are ready and I am giving them three digits. We finally closed our day with race to 50. Have them show you? Those who were absent a friend will teach you.
We really need more fruit, I will also send an email to you all about this. The children will need, if you want a box to decorate for their valentines. We will be creating this in class, I like to have a valentine's day theme going on in class. I will be doing reading and writing and math with all sorts of activities.
Noah went over his poster and we learned he loves baseball and soccer. He started playing baseball when he was four and this year he played on the Texas Rangers team. He reported,"I like to play middle field in soccer because they pass the ball and you get to kick it the most." He also went to Lego Discovery to visit on vacation when he was seven and had a got time seeing all the creations. I can not wait to learn more.
Today was a okay day we were able to get through most of our activities. We started in Cafe reading and discussed how we use our reading strategies to help figure out math problems. Then we moved in to writing and we learned how to use our mentor texts to help support my writing, but not copy them. We headed next in to math and we are working with subtraction with two digit numbers with regrouping. We are struggling with this, but I am positive they will get it. Some are ready and I am giving them three digits. We finally closed our day with race to 50. Have them show you? Those who were absent a friend will teach you.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
February 12, 2013
NOAH, is our top banana and we were testing this afternoon I forgot to let him discuss his poster. I promise to allow him three times to morrow to make up for time being out of my control. I can not wait to hear all about him.
All was wonderful and yes they are right NO MATH!! They had a math test on two digit addition and subtraction without regrouping. We have started our regrouping addition and subtraction. We did have our reading groups and cafe time discussing our books and they are getting better at how to communicate about a text. I can not wait till they can express to you some of their connections, wow moments, and questions they make while reading at home. Please let them model some of their thoughts? We went to the library and Mrs. Wallingford modeled a great questioning strategy for research, I can not wait to get the students involved in this activity.
All was wonderful and yes they are right NO MATH!! They had a math test on two digit addition and subtraction without regrouping. We have started our regrouping addition and subtraction. We did have our reading groups and cafe time discussing our books and they are getting better at how to communicate about a text. I can not wait till they can express to you some of their connections, wow moments, and questions they make while reading at home. Please let them model some of their thoughts? We went to the library and Mrs. Wallingford modeled a great questioning strategy for research, I can not wait to get the students involved in this activity.
Monday, February 11, 2013
February 11, 2013
We had a great day, we are trying to work on our talking in class and cleaning up faster. I hope everyone had a fantastic restful weekend? I was excited to get back in to reading groups and communication with the text. We are working on main idea of a story and short passage. We are also trying to figure out the difference between a main idea and summary. We began discussing this today while they are reading at home you could help them. In writing we are continuing to discuss poems, we reviewed the couplet and all poems thus far. Have them explain some? Then we moved into math and reviewed addition and subtraction without regrouping. We will begin our two digit addition and subtraction with regrouping tomorrow. In spelling we worked on words which have the friend in them and /ight/ words. Have fun studying.
Friday, February 8, 2013
February 9, 2013
We continued our note taking discussion in reading groups and we are fine tuning how we do this. We are looking at what our brain is thinking about while we read, and recording those thoughts. We are writing our connections, questions, and wow moments we have during reading.We are continuing to work on two digit numbers with addition and subtraction. We are deciding when to regroup or not to. We have been discussing Native Americans and we saw our last video on the Woodland people, ask them what they know?
February 8,2013
I have had to run out of here everyday, I feel like I can not keep up. We had a great day learning about the Native Americans the Plains. We are starting regrouping with math and they are getting it but some may need more help. We discussed in reading the ways to take notes and are beginning to use them in our discussion. Funny and true our high school helper says she does them, but geared to her grade. I feel like I am getting them ready. I hope all is well with you all and you and your family are enjoying themselves. Christopher I hope you had a fabulous day?
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
February 4, 2013
PLEASE REMEMBER, to have your child wear a solid red shirt to the program tomorrow night. We had a great day and completed all lessons. Please make sure your child is stopping while reading to think about what they read. They should be asking questions, making connections, or wow moments. They could also be creating a mental image. Have them explain what is going on in their heads? Then in writing we are continuing to write poems. Today we learned about the acrostic and limerick we reviewed. I hope they are liking their new writing genre?
February 6, 2013
No math last night and no math tonight, They just have spelling and reading. I will update more later have to go to school myself. I had a fantastic time learning about how to teach writing in Science. I look forward to helping them out more with writing. We had a busy day getting all activities done and discussing Native Americans. Please ask them what they are learning. We also continued to talk about our connections, questions, and wow moments we have when we read. During math we are learning to regroup and when not to with our two digit numbers, for addition and subtraction.
Friday, February 1, 2013
Feburary 1, 2013
Cydney brought her favorite book in for show-in-tell, Boss of Lunch. She brought in a paper doll she made with her Mom in first grade. She made it to represent her ancestors. "My ancestors are from Africa," she said. She brought her teddy she got when she was in the hospital. She told us, "I got my appendix out! This is why I brought him."She named it Cydney because I thought it was a great name."
We had a great day and the kids were focused we did a sensory detail activity using popcorn and let them smell, see, taste, hear, and touch. Then they wrote a poem using their senses on popcorn. Then we did our math two digit addition and subtraction.
We had a great day and the kids were focused we did a sensory detail activity using popcorn and let them smell, see, taste, hear, and touch. Then they wrote a poem using their senses on popcorn. Then we did our math two digit addition and subtraction.
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