

Messages From The Top Rated Number One Class

We will have food, play games, and pass out valentines.  I want to report we will be taking a class donation for 5 dollars or more, due to peanut allergy.  We want to make sure the food is safe and peanut free.
Monday 100th day bag due.
Student Council

Valentine Kiss-a-grams

Buy one for a teacher, parent or friend for only 50¢!!!!!  All of our profits will go to charity.

When:  Monday, Feb. 9th- Thursday, Feb. 12th from 7:15-7:45 a.m. and 2:45-3:00 p.m.
(delivery on Friday, Feb. 13th)

Where:  Main hallway next to the library

The Top Banana is All.

Parents remember they should teach you the math CGI problems.  Also make sure to have them explain how they came up with their answer.

 YES, they may make comments on the blog! I will also comment on their posts.
Thank you for making comments on day one, I did send a message back to you!!

I have the GREATEST students and parents at GATTIS!  Each one of you made me feel welcomed and proud to be a partner in your child's education.  I am blessed to have the BEST bunch of students, to bring yet another year to my teaching life.  I hope to give you your child back older, wiser, and ready for third grade.  We have already made a memory to last a life time. You made it through meeting me! Now we need to have a fantastic time in the Wild Wilderness!!

7:30-7:45 Arrival and Homework check
7:45-8 Announcements and Lunch count 
8:00-8:50 Reading Block
8:50-9:20 Gator Reading  
9:20-10 Language Arts/Spelling
10:00-10:40 Writing
10:40-11:00 Recess
11:05-11:35 Lunch
11:35-11:45 Restroom 
11:45-12:15  Gator Math 
12:15-1:15 Math
1:15-1:45 Science/Social Studies
1:45-2:40  Specials Time