Tuesday, September 20, 2011

September 20, 2011

Kaira reported today that her favorite part of her day was specials.  She enjoyed singing the patriot song they were learning.  She made a connection to the song because we learned about being patriotic in Social Studies, last week.  Kaira had a blast using the counters in Math to create groups for the number of their choice.  They were to take their counters and model different ways to group their number.  We discussed all the different ways to make numbers 1-10.  Kaira loved being able to plan her story out in her notebook and is looking forward to starting her story tomorrow.  She thought it was cool to be able to share her memories or connections to her buddy during reading.  Kaira shared her some of her pictures on her poster, and it sounded like she had a fantastic time playing in the snow.  We are excited to hear more from her tomorrow.

QUESTION:  Describe your favorite part of your day and WHY?


  1. I liked recess because i got to play with my friend.


  2. My favorite part of the day was when I shared my poster to my classmates because they laughed when I said something funny about the stinky horse.

  3. my favorite part of the day was going to ceader ridge high school. we got to see the band, cooking classes, gym, volleyball, and dance. i'm doing dance, theater arts, and volleyball. ♥ it was very fun.
    ♥ Jennifer.

  4. Jennifer, how lucky you were to go visit another school.

    Kaira, I loved when you shared about your horse it made me laugh.

    Caleb, I wish I liked recess, but I hate to get hot.
