Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February 1, 2012

Wow what a day!!!!  100 days of school and where has the time gone, I know to learn?  What and where do you think all our time has gone?  I loved having Mrs. Doyle come read us the book Honest Abe, she really does know how to get us engaged in her choices of books.  What are your thoughts on her coming?  We did our 100 day activities and did not finish them, therefore we will be spending sometime completing the activities.  We counted to 100 different ways to line up, wrote 100 words and made a chain, and then we started our math activities and did not finish, BOO WOO! (my class crying)  I know they were disappointed not to finish, this is why we will do it again tomorrow.  I hope the students continue on this awesome path to staying on task and completing their work.  REMEMBER TO WEAR PINK NEXT TUESDAY NIGHT!!!!


  1. what is our reading response today? Mattie

  2. Mattie,
    I hope you checked the homework section on the blog, it was written there? If you did not check there next time do. I assigned you to try to write a well written summary in one hundred words. Some said they needed more words and it was hard to write in only 100 words. Thank you for doing a written response though, becasue it is better to do something then nothing.
    Ms. Wolfean
