Wednesday, March 21, 2012

March 21, 2012

Today was a productive day, we had visitors come observe us during reading.  They reported they were excited to see all the connections, visualizations, wanderings, questions, and special moments my students were having to their books and informational texts.  They enjoyed listening to the students give them information about their reading.  I have to say, "I WAS PROUD OF MY MONKEYS!" I was also impressed with all they are doing and listening to them, and love to hear their reasoning behind their answers. I was excited to move into writing because we had a mini lesson on how to add details to our writing.  We discussed adding similes and metaphors to our own writing because it gives the reader a visual of what we are discussing.  We had a blast in math because we mingled with our Friends trying to discover who had our matching flat shape to our three dimensional shape.  Finally we ended with our science discussing weather and how we can measure our weather.  We learned water, wind, and heat can be measured using different instruments, what were those instruments?


  1. HELLO!! How is it going? We miss you soooo much!!!

    Pamela and Janaya

  2. Pamela and Janaya,

    I miss you too and I wish you were here at Gattis. I now teach second grade. I miss my fourth graders, but do love how fun my little monkeys are. How is school for you two? I forgot what grade are you all in? Thak you for stopping by my blog to leave me a message.

    Ms. Wolfean
