Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May 1,2012

Today was another fun filled day with lots of learning.  We came in to the class and we had free read and write till announcements were completed.  Then we had a mini lesson on how to locate facts and opinions in our reading.  QUESTION: Describe the difference between a fact and an opinion?  Then Mrs. Doyle came to visit and read anew book.  She began to read to the class the book titled Mister and Me.  We are learning a lot about the story and are comparing to items we use in the present to what those items looked like from the past.  Please ask your child the items they found interesting from the past that people still use today.  Then we were doing our new CGI problem for multiplication and we had some trouble so we will work on it for one more night.  I will send it home tomorrow, I want them to have success on it with me first.  We then moved into science and we are discussing the Polar Bear, ask them what they learned?

1 comment:

  1. The different s of opinion and fact is that fact means that you can prove it and that everybody agrees with it.Opinion means that only some people like or hate it.For an exampled like my sister dances good.People might think she dances good or not.kaira
