Wednesday, November 28, 2012

November 28, 2012

Given to me from our very own Librarian
Author Phil Bildner will be visiting our school next week on Thursday, December 6.
He will be speaking to our 2nd, 3rd,4th and 5th grade students in the library:
8:15 to 9:15  3rd and 5th grade
9:45 to 10:45   2nd and 4th grade
Parents are always invited to join us!
If you would like to order a book so that Phil Bildner can autograph it for your child, please complete the attached form and return it with payment to the school by Tuesday, December 4.  If you pay by check, please include your Driver's License number. Thank you!
Today was another fun filled day with a special visitor, Mrs Doyle she shared a book by our author who will visit The Greatest Game Ever Played, this book can be purchased.  I will be sending home the order form tomorrow, please look out for it.  We had our Reading Cafe time and we met in groups then we explored books.  We looked at several books to get ideas on how to organize our How-to-Topics.  We noticed many things the books had.  Tomorrow we will be looking at How to books and seeing how to model our writing after these authors.  Then we moved into math and began our unit on money.  We were learning how to write the amounts of money by using our dollar and cent sign.  Then we began to discuss how to use hairy money to count up our coins.  Finally we ended our time with Hunter sharing his Top Banana show in tell, because he forgot before his time was up. 
Hunter shared with the class his bag, shirt, and favorite book.  He made the bag at Great Wolf Lodge all on his own.  He brought the shirt because he loves to spend time with his dad and his team mates, being the bat boy.  He The showed us his favorite book The Night Before Kindergarten by: Natasha Wing.
Finally Julia, this weeks top banana shared her poster, YEAH!!!  I told you I would remember She shared she loves my little pony and her favorite is Pinkie Pie because she loves pink and Julia said, "She loves to party and so do I!"  Then she shared that she placed Angelina on her poster because she is a ballerina and she loves to dance too.  Then she reported she loves Rudolph the red nose reindeer because she loves that show.  She placed a barbie on her poster because she loves to play with them.  Her last picture was of herself and it was her in a pretty dress at New Year's, she said, "My mom was looking for a picture on the computer and this was the one she found."  I love how children can be honest in the way they tell stories.  I am loving getting to know your children more and more each day.

1 comment:

  1. I love being the TOP BANANA!!!!! Thanks for posting what I shared about my poster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Love, Julia Almendra
