Thursday, August 28, 2014

OOPS, a little late posting!

Our third day was a bit on the wild side, not due to issues in class.  We had a fire drill in the middle of our morning and it caused us to get a little off our schedule.  We pulled through it and I reassured them that I am here to keep them safe.  I have lived a long life, even though I am young, I would be the last one out if a real fire.  They will be the first I save because they are my first priority.  Please know they were all excellent and they understood.  I enjoy all your children and they were fantastic during the drill I was impressed.

We returned to class where we were greeted by a visitor.  Ms. Marek came to give us some math quizzes and they are those tests to see what they know.  Parent no worries these are the types of tests where they can not study for.  They were OK, but a little worried.  We reassured again these were just to see what they know and for me to use as a teaching tool.  After this we were back on normal mode for a bit, however, it through us off.  We will catch up in all subjects soon.  We wrote in our journals about our first day, made a heart full of ideas to write about, and discussed when we are done we have just begun.  Please ask them to explain all these interesting activities we did.  In Social Studies and reading we discussed citizenship and character traits.  We were to have a special visitor, but I found out was busy.  They will be coming tomorrow to visit the class, so we can ask our questions.  I can not wait to report to you all about who we will meet. We also began our new Math, which I am learning too.  We started our lesson on how to sort items.  Please have a discussion with your child, how they could sort items in their home and how would they chart it?  Parents, one last thing Grandparents lunch is a cookout, can't wait to see you there.


  1. Dear Ms Wolfean-
    I would love to go to the cookout, but my nana and papa are out of town. I am still going to come. I love cookouts! I have never been to one before though. Are you going to be there, Ms Wolfean? I really hope so.

  2. Kate,
    I understand and know how you feel, about Grandparents not being there. Mine will not be there, but you are all lucky. I will be outside eating with you all that way I can meet everyone. It is a cookout during our lunch at 11:05, on Sept 5. I am proud of you for writing me and I am happy to hear you are excited.
