We have been focusing on connections last week and finished that up but will visit it again. Now we are moving to sequencing of events. I have taught them a strategy to read a little think what happened first and next. They start reading more and they think what happen after that and finally what happened. Please have them stop and think about the order of events in their reading. We are learning about weather and trying to catch up in science we will begin are first unit in Science properties of matter. CGI is still new and yes it is a struggle in class, for some. They should be coming home able to explain and do it on their own. If they are having trouble and you too. Please tell them to bring their blue class one home. I give them the same problems, but with different numbers.
Top Banana
From Friday=We had a great time hearing from our Top Banana last week, Haven. We also heard about her show-n-tell. She brought a bracelet and a heart. Her bracelet was from her first grade teacher and the heart she got at the aquarium. Her favorite book is Tales of Peter Rabbit. She loves reading over and over again.
Monday=We passed over the Top Banana to Bre and yesterday we heard about her Mother. She loves to play and do fun things with her. when asked what you like to do with your Mom she reported, "I love to go on vacations and get our nails done. She loved the fact her Mom took her to Toys R Us to spend her birthday money. She did let us know that Brom her brother went too. Bre got a doll that you get to dress up with make up and change her hair color. However and I quote, "It was a rip off because it didn't work, the hair never changed colors!" I can not wait to hear more. Ms. Wolfean is sorry today time slipped away from me.
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