Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Parents first please except my deepest apology for the sign up genius for conferences. Also thank you for those who check their email and signed up.

Today in class we are learning about how to slow down and ask questions in our head in reading.  Please have them show you how we do this in class, while they read to you.  We have begun our first small moment story in class.  We are writing about our memories from our childhood.  Tomorrow we will begin to write a lot more and get a lot more stories going.  We have been working in math on two digit addition, and continuing to keep number sense going during our math group time.  In Science we have been working on properties of matter and how to classify and categorize items in to groups.

We heard from our last weeks Top Banana Bre yesterday with her show-n-tell.  She brought in her favorite photo album which her mom made for her. She showed a picture of her swimming because she loves to play in the water.She loves ballet dancing and she looked adorable in the picture.  Her dog Diesel also was in this book, "OH boy, he is crazy," Bre reported. We of course all giggled at the photo and had a fun time laughing.  Her last item she brought in were shells she got from South Carolina and they were very interesting because they were in a bottle.  I am still amazed about how they got them in the bottle?

Finally we heard from our new Top Banana Kate and she made us laugh out loud even harder. She had a picture of herself as a new born with her brother and we thought that was too cute.  We all said, "AWWW!"  Then she reported about her family at Christmas when they took a picture together.  This is where we all giggled till we could not stop.  Kate told us, "My Mom taped our mouths shut because she thought it would be a funny picture."  Well she was right we all thought it was an interesting picture and we could not believe it was done on purpose.  She had a picture of herself dancing and she loved it.  Then finally the last picture was Girl Scouts and she was excited to report Julie was in it too.   The question was asked, why do you like Girl Scouts? Kate replied, "It is nice to have friends in my class in there with me."

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