Thursday, June 26, 2014

Summer Fun

I miss my students and I am loving my summer. I hope everyone is safe and sound and are enjoying there time. I pray each one of you have been reading and using the the reading website, I am reading a series myself in the mountains of Montana. I just really started my summer fun, because all I did till now was lay by the pool. Hope each and everyone is enjoying family and are taking time to be a kid. I know I am acting like a kid when I splash my stepsons with water and push them in the pool.

I want to say thank you to all of you for making another great year for me. It blows me away to look back and reflect on all your learning you accomplished this year with myself. We had some amazing memories that I hope will last a lifetime with each of you. Thanks agin for blessing me with fantastic memories for myself. Here is my view while reading and posting, send me your pics reading.