Thursday, May 30, 2013

May 30

Game day and beach towels tomorrow!!

Also we made play dough and made a Father's Day gift!! Great day!!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

May 28, 2013

Today was a fabulous day, we are having a great time closing down for the year.  We are eating in the room everyday, if behavior and homework are complete.  We are still learning, but it is geared to summer and creative books.  We are reading and writing all the time.  We even made a summer glyph describing all about us and our summer.  We shared them with the class, and we are enjoying listening and learning about out classmates.  We also shared our character descriptive writing of our character feeling words.

TOMORROW is economics fair!!!! 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Just got home, May 22 at 10 pm

We have had a fantastic start to this week and I am excited to report today all testing will hopefully be done tomorrow. We are getting ready to have our party and the kids will celebrate by having game day/movie day on Friday. This is for all their hard work this last nine weeks. We are still learning and I have fantastic creative things in store for them, you all thought I couldn't make learning fun. Just wait till they come home tomorrow. We are working on finishing our PowerPoint slides and published books. Then we tried to complete our math test. We are working on multiplication and division.
Keona Is an excellent Top banana and we are loving her be our leader.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Sorry May 15, 2013

Two nights I have run out of school and forgot to click update. I am not sure if I was too busy or old age? You all can answer this question, parents and students.

Today we had a lot of learning going on. We learned not to mumble over words and read with our reading voice. Have them model this strategy to you. In math we are working on exploring with division. I loved hearing them ask, "Do we check that with multiplication." Wow the love of learning going on in my class is fantastic.

Monday, May 13, 2013

May 13, 2013

THERE IS NO SPELLING, I will be sending home word sorts.  This will start on Wednesday.

We all got to eat in the classroom because we needed to celebrate Katelynn's birthday from last week.  We also heard from Jaydin our Top Banana. He just started to play basketball this year.  He reported he was on a basketball team and his mom talked him in to joining the game.  He enjoyed his couch because he got to play both offense and defense.  He went to Gattiland to celebrate the end of our game.  He shared by tell us, "I quit football because my couch would not let me play offense only defense."  He attended a carnival and he was not scared to go on the rides because he rode them all.  He was going to go on one ride with his cousin, but it was closed.  

We had a great day filled with tons of work.  We learned the difference between coping facts and taking notes.  We had cafe reading and cafe math.During Cafe time we are practicing all skills taught this year and our last comprehension strategy read cover tell.  Have them practice for you, and model how it is done.  We are discovering multiplication and division.  This does not need to be mastered just discovering how and why behind it.  Please do not think they need to memorize their facts that will not happen till next year.  We also went to the computer lab and we were completing our research, and continuing to finish our slide shows.  we also played a game during math.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

May 9, 2013

We heard again form our Top Banana Katelynn and she explained all about her family and the things they do together. We loved knowing that she loves to get her picture taken and can't wait to see her show in tell tomorrow.

The students had a fabulous day, I was very impressed with them.  I am excited to report that we got through all activities.  I even love they are still learning a ton this close to the end of the year.  We have been doing research on our topics of interest, and will soon begin creating our projects to go with them.  We have been reading a book called My Father's Dragon, and they seem to love it.  Ask them about it.  We have been studying and explore multiplication.  They do not need to have multiplication memorized, just exploring and understanding it is repeated addition.  They are learning about animal adaptations and how they use them to help them survive in the wild.  We have been comparing birds, bears, fish, and other animals to see what adaptations are similar and different.  Please continue to read every night because they will fall behind on their reading level and this is not something we wish.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

May 8, 20

Today we heard from Katelynn, our Top Banana.  Her birthday was yesterday and lucky girl had her Aunt Nicole and Mom come eat lunch with her.  I loved learning about her family and how she has two homes.  She has an older brother and sister and a younger sister.  Her sister is in Mrs. Rodriguez's class and her name Yazmyne.   She reported that when we have a birthday we celebrate it all together as a family.  I love to go to my Aunt's house on the weekend because she does not have children.  I think it is cool she has a brother who is attending Ridgeview.  My brother plays basketball and my older sister takes dance class.  

I know parents I have fallen down on my job keeping up, but I ma back full on ready to report we are learning a ton about animal adaptations, this is how they survive in the wild.  Ask them all they have learned.  We are still completing our research and it seems to going smooth.  They have checked out their books and even have been to the computers to find information on their topic.  We have started to explore multiplication and are bringing home CGI problems to support this.  Please take make sur to ask them all about their learning.