Tuesday, November 20, 2012

November 20, 2012

Hello Gattis Families!
Our Breakfast with Santa silent auction is quickly approaching.  We are still in need of some items by grade level to fill up a basket.  In the attachment you will see all the items needed for each basket.  Simply find your child's teacher and sign up for a item that is NOT highlighted in yellow and drop it off on Monday, November 25th.  PTA has a cart in the hallway where you can leave you donated item.
If you are interested in placing a bid for an item that is in the auction, we have a binder in the office where you can place a bid.  As we receive items, they will be on display in the main hallway display case across from the library.
Thank you for your support!
-Gattis PTA

Please make sure to visit this site for the silent auction.
Today was a fantastic day we did reading CAFE and read about the Pilgrims and their first feast.  We learned it wasn't a one day event, but a week.  We also saw a video, ask them about it?  We did math and social studies with the video and had an extra special time trying to finish our turkey disguise stories.  I hope you can get the opportunity to come by and read them.  They are specially funny.  There is even a picture to capture their turkey.

1 comment:

  1. Thank-you for passing the word. Christopher misses you and his friends and will hopefully feel much better soon.
