Tuesday, May 8, 2012

May 8, 2012

Describe the best part of your second grade year?


  1. My favorite part of my year with this class was each of you, my little monkeys. I loved getting to know each one of you, and watching you grow. I also thought that recess outside playing and talking to you all was excellent. I loved going to the computer room and learning different activities to put up on your clips. The one thing that would make my second grade year even better, would be to have another year with you all. I will miss all of you in a different way.

    Kimberly Wolfean

  2. My favorit of 2 grad is wen we got to plant the plants becuse i never seen a plant grow that fast. It asowl was a fun projekt. The fun part about it is we got to take them home. We xsperenst that some plants dint grow becuse thay dint get inuf sun or water.Gerry Mariscal

  3. My favorite part of my year was feild day.I lost my tooth
    on feild day during the movie.I anjoyed dancing to the
    carwash.And I also wonderd why the kids chased you inside
    the biluding.I dont have a favorite activite because I
    liked all of them.But my real favorite part was geting
    to have you as a techer.

    Clara Bean

  4. My favorite part of the year is when I got a award card
    and then they called my dad.I was so happy on that day my
    dad bought me a knew video game it was cool.My other favorite part of the year was when we got to eat on the stage that was fun we even got to talk when the lights
    were off. Thats my favorite part.Ryan

  5. The best part of my second grade year was meeting Ms.Wolfean and spending time with her.I love being able to remember those times.She is every thing that I could ask for.When my ilac sign is broken she cheers me up,and I get right back on task.I also loved movie day and game day.Gracyn

  6. At scool math is the best thing about school to me.Math is my favrite subjt at school.Olivia Dixon

  7. My favorite thing I did during this year was the parties. We dance , talk , eat , and play. It was wonderful having paries.kaira

  8. My favorit part of the year was having pepeol I now in my class. Also we got to go to a comptur labe.

    Caleb Merritt

  9. My favorite part of my second grade year was thet I met you for the first time in your class. Also I loved it when your 4th or 5th grade class where ms. Sanford's Buddy's. You are the best teacher ever.I hope you are my teacher again because you teach us older grade stuff that's why I want you to be my teacher again.
    Jackson mount.

  10. My favorite part of the year was field day because we had a water fight. Sam

  11. My favorite prat of the year is with my monkey frieads and Ms.Wolfean.


  12. My favort part of the school year was all the partys. movie day was a blast and game day and takling to you your are the best teacher ever stations are fun no 2ed gard teacher do sations but you do and you are the best

  13. My favorite part of the year was Feild Day where it was all wet . The only activaties I didn't like were the ones without water . My favorite activatie was the Fireman Rely\water fight.
    Jordon Erickson

  14. My best part of the second grade year was when we had movie day and game day alos fun feild day. I like movie day and game day most beacuse we get a lot of good food. Why I alos like fun feild day is beause we got a lot of wet ativtes. That was the best day.
    Beth Ufodiama

  15. My favorite part of secont grade is game day. Alex

  16. My favorite part of the school year was wirting storys and poems.I really enjoy makeing poems and storys.It was fun learning poems and storys.

  17. I rilly like the fild trip ware we sole all the animils.But I rilly like ms wolfean the most she is rilly fun I wish I can have year with her agin wine I go to therd grad I
    might evan send her a leter to her four her epreshashon week four her.JoRDAN hardeman

  18. My favorite part of 2nd grade was getting to go on the field trip with the class and getting to watch them at field day and having lunch with them for Grandparents day even though I am not a grand parent and seeing all the wonderful awards for learning they get each grading period. I will miss all teh stories my girl came home with to fill me in on the goings on of Ms. Wolfean's room.

    Jordon's Mom
