Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First Day In Second Grade

Our Day

Today was filled with fantastic learning; we had a blast playing the name game.  We laughed when Ms. Wolfean was having a silly moment.  The class took a tour of the school to discover where all the grades are, and we discovered third grade is in the portables.  We chatted with our new friends and got to know the old friends we held dear to us.  The class of course played outside, but not till learning was completed.  They have homework READING 20 minutes and DECORATING their writing notebook.  They are to use pictures of everything they love.  They can cut them out of magazines or use real pictures.  This is not due till Friday.  We did not have enough time in the day to do all the items Ms. Wolfean had planned, of course that is normal.  The first day usually is a time of getting to know one another and getting back into the swing of school!

Question: Describe one thing you enjoyed about second grade?


  1. I like the rule game, and I like the way you teach Ms Wolfean. You are funny, nice, great and kind. I like my classmates in your class.
    Love Jordon Erickson

  2. i like math.


  3. I like to write.
    I like to read.
    I like to learn.
    I like to learn math.
    I like to learn science.
    Hope you have a great year of teaching!
    Clara Bean

  4. Hey Ms. Wolfean! It's your favorite student Jenna W.! I miss you so much, and I wish I could come back in your class and stay with you for the rest of my life! You inspire me in so many ways, and you make me feel so proud of myself! Thank you very much, you are the best teacher ever! I love being in 5th grade, it's very fun! And I hope you guys (students) love Ms. Wolfean very much like I do (: And what I loved about second grade was reading, writing, and math! I don't like science, haha!
    Hope you write back! (:
    Love Jenna Wroten.

  5. I heard that somewhere nesr your artpartment, there was a fire? If there is, I am very sorry! :( I will be praying for you very very much! :( I hope everything is okay.
    God bless you. <3
    ~ Jenna Wroten
