Monday, April 2, 2012

April 1, 2012

We almost completed everything, but we missed getting to our last subject.  It was due to the fact we had to take a math test for our geometry unit.  The students we fabulous, so you can all breath.  They rocked on behavior, and they will be surprised when they arrive in the morning.  We did our reading and we are now moving into our Biography unit.  It is still an informational text, however, it discusses a person's life.  We are still writing personal narratives, and have started discussing how to revise for a show don't tell moment in our writing.  It was a busy day, but it seems as though we did not do much.  If you were in here you would have seen my monkeys learning a ton.  A mother comment on Friday's post about lunch bunch; how her child looks forward to it. Therefore, students my question of the week for you...Describe the best part of lunch bunch for you and why or why not you enjoy it?

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