Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Today was a busy day and we were somewhat successful in completing all tasks.  We had library and we did spend extra time on math.  Therefore, I know that some of it is due to me.  We started a new concept in math subtracting with regrouping.  We are trying to get the second graders to explain when they need to regroup for both addition and subtracting.  They need to explain what is happening to the ones and tens, and use the math vocabulary in their response. Please ask them to explain both ways to regroup and make sure they explain using math words?  We are still studying Jan Brett and we have been writing about each book.  Today they did a quick check response to the stories we have heard, ask them to describe the stories and discuss the books with them.  we will be starting Natural resources in Science tomorrow.  Stay tuned for another update!


Books we have read

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