Wednesday, October 2, 2013

October 1-2

I have to start off by say I am bad I need study hall, I forgot to do my homework. I did not update the blog. However, I have stayed at school every night till 7 holding conferences with your parents. I am loving getting to know your parents, and boy they are doing better than me.

Kelly is a super top banana she reported we have learning about even and odd numbers. Also asking questions and making predictions in our books. I love kids words to describe their learning. She reported about her poster again and told us she made her glitter thing in first grade and had fun in Ms. Drews class last year. Her favorite part of her year in first was making a home run. She says that's staying green all day. She enjoys learning, hope all my students continue to love learning this year??

1 comment:

  1. I am silly, I made some mistakes in my sentences. I think I will leave them, and see if you can find them?
